We have spent a lot of time this week paying attention to our thinking while we read. We are working to become metacognitive learners - we want to be aware of our thinking as we learn. When we are aware of our thinking, we tend to understand and remember more about what we are reading or learning.
What strategies have you been using as you read? How has using strategies helped you understand at a high level? Some of the strategies we discussed this week are: rereading, reading on, visualizing, stopping to think, using word attack skills such as using context clues and sounding out, activating our schema (background knowledge), asking questions, and noticing text features (especially in non-fiction).
ReplyDeleteThe startgies i use i visualzing a lot because it makes it easier to read and understand
ReplyDeletei have been using rereading and anylizing the words that dont make sence to me.
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KM and SMO - I'm glad you are aware of the strategies you are using to read and learn. Visualizing can be such a powerful tool in other content areas, too. When you attack a math problem or science lab, try to slow down a bit and visualize before you begin. You will be surprised how it will help you understand, learn, and complete tasks successfully.
ReplyDeleteKM, you mentioned word attack. Let me know if you need more strategies to use when you come across tricky words. Many students sound out new words, or look for context clues, but there are other strategies to uese as well. Have you tried looking for chunks in new words that you might already know - prefixes, suffixes, root words?
I hope you both have a great long weekend! See you on Tuesday :)
Mrs. H
ReplyDeleteThat sounds like a good idea i have been reading this weekend i will use that and see if it works for me.... thank you!!
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KAB said...
ReplyDeletewhen im reading my stradigty is to stop and think and to go back and re read. what i also do if i am at home reading and i have a peice of paper i skecth what is in my reading and thinking mabey that will help me see what the writer is trying to get pass by me as a reader:)
KAB said...
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when i am reading my stadigty is to look at what i am reading and to look at it and ask my self "can i predecit what is going to be in the book later on?" and if i cant i ask my self "is this book to chaliging for me":) :) :)
my strategie is to visulize what is going on in the book it helps me understand what is going on in the book
ReplyDeleteI am with you kab exspecialy when you are reading a hard book i love that idea of scetching it out then you can really visualize it.
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KAB said
ReplyDeletethank you KM i love how you agree with my stradigtys and hope that you dont pick a hard book like i did last week i picked harry potter and i could not understand a little bit of what i was reading but i also hope that you dont pick a easy book because reading would be pointless if we all read easy books but today i got a book and the title was the last book in the univeres and it was how a boy hated to read and that he said it was going to be the last book in the univeres but quite frankley it wasent because that book was made in 2000 :):):):):):):)::):):):):):):):):):):):)
ReplyDeleteKAB and KM you guys are both correct if you read to hard of a book it makes you lost in it. Im reading the book Breakaway its about this soccer girl that is really good then gets suspended and starts to be a brat. But now she is starting to get nicer. Mrs.Heim thanks for giving me a good grade on my reading log.
KAB said
ReplyDeletethank you smo for agreing with me and km
I love to read a good book but i agree with KAB you need the right one to read and to love!!! i like harder books but not to hard or you wont understand what is going on!!!
ReplyDeleteSPM BLOCK 1
ive read the whole harry potter series and it is great thats the kind of book thats easy to visulize everything in the book and to understand your reading
ReplyDeleteSPM BLOCK 3
ReplyDeleteKAB i totaly am with you on harrry potter i am so terible at reading that series.its reeally hard but they're very interesting.SMO thanks for the compliment and i love your disription on brakeaway. oh and to all of you great readers out there i defenetly recomend reading the hunger games it a really good series.Dont get tricked by the bigining it a bit boring but it gets really interesting.
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Jcp Ive been trying to really understand what im reading. When I read I try to visualize every little detail as I read. WHen I also try to compare to cartoons or other books I've read.
ReplyDeleteJCP the hockey DUDE
i liked this author because she is verry disripted and she is also shes a good author because she helps u understand what ur reading. amh b1 # 10 .
ReplyDeleteI have been trying to really under satnd what i am reading and the stratiges i use are stop think, chunk th word, and reread.people that read this i hope u use these stratiges to.
Mhm....Mine are visualizing. It's like TV in your head. Reading a book is healthier than watching TV. Tv will ruin your eyes. Don't says books will. Only if you read in the dark ;) Mrs.Heim tought me a lot more about how to enjoy reading. I read 20 minutes a day. It feels like 2 hours of TV! Reading may seem boring but it's not. Try it :)
I love thinking while reading!!!Reading is my favorite subject!
Think while you read!!!
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Reading is also my favorite subject I love it!!!
I always visulize
I love reading too! Only if its an intresting book to me.I always ask questions because I love thinking about it and trying to figure it out on my own or use context clues.
ReplyDeleteI am with you TCM and SPM!!!
When I am reading and the Auther really cetches my atention I feel like that caracter. For exsample if someone in a book started crying because one of her family memmbers was hurt i could feel her pain. Or if someone just got a new phone i could feel there exsitment. Its really hard not to cry when your reading a really sad book. But its all about finding the right book for you.
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#12... best nummber
I loved this book.It was very easy for me to understand,I also was able to visilize really easily with the well done drawings.I'm happy that Mrs.Heim read this book to us!Thanks Mrs.Heim:)
When I get stuck on a word, or i didn't understand something, I go back and re-read the part I got stuck an and usally I figure it out. If I don't get it at all, I abandon the book. then later on i come back to it. that's what I do when I get stuck on something in the book.