Saturday, November 19, 2011

Crafting Leads - Block 3

We learned about several ways authors craft inviting leads to narrative pieces and we have been trying different leads for our own pieces. Feel free to share your leads on this post to get feedback from your classmates. If your are writing at home, here are some of the strategies we discussed in class:

Begin by describing a setting or character (snapshot)
Begin by sharing thoughts or feelings (thoughtshot)
Start with sound effects (onomatopoeia)
Start with dialogue
Begin with a question
Start by showing action

I'm looking forward to reading your leads!


  1. pcf
    Their I was face pressed hard againest the hard wood floor,body aching from emmbarestment and pain but this isnt the beginning this is.

  2. It's a cold and rainy night and there is a soccer game going on in Upper Arlington. But everything is silent. That can only mean one thing; someone is hurt.
