Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Many of you are working on 6 room poems this week.  Post your drafts and/or final copies here; I'm looking forward to reading your writing!  I posted my rough draft below.  I'd like your feedback.  What are your stars and wishes for this piece?


  1. The House on High Street
    Kathy Heim

    My grandmother’s house still
    Sits proud and strong on the corner of
    High Street and Orchard Lane. Almost
    Swallowed up by the city, but still grand.
    Deep red brick, and tall;
    Tall as a girl can look up.

    Time is frozen in that house on High Street
    I’m four years old and swinging on the porch
    Waiting for my cousin to come and play
    Cabs and busses hiss by
    On their way to somewhere else.

    Grandma is clanking pots and pans in the kitchen,
    You can hear it through the screen door.
    Turkey and pumpkin pie swirl around
    Making mouths water and tummies growl.
    The chime of the kitchen timer signals dinner is near.
    Time is frozen in that house on High Street.

    Muffled Sounds of adults,
    Talking adult things. Kids being kids
    Shouting and squealing, protected
    By that big brick house holding us so tight.

    When the sun begins to set
    The day’s last rays bully their way through
    The frosty glass. They bounce off the chandelier
    Scattering tiny rainbows all about the room.
    I try to step on them, but they won’t go away until
    The sun says goodnight and sinks behind the trees.

    She stands proud and strong on the corner of
    High Street and Orchard Lane.
    Does that house remember us? Does it miss us?
    Will pots and pans clang in her kitchen? Will tiny chandeliers
    Scatter across the wool carpet? Will a little girl try to step on them
    As the sun sinks behind the trees? Time stands still and I am
    Four years old in that house
    On High Street.

  2. KMM:)
    HELP ME NOW!!!!!!

    Mossy, West Virginia
    Where my grandpas old house stands,
    Proud, and strong
    Begging ,
    For us to come back home!

    Bright red bricks pilled high on top of 1 another,
    2 stories high
    to me it was a play tower,
    when I stood on that porch I felt like I could fly,
    and touch the sky!


  3. KMM:)
    HELP ME NOW!!!!!!

    Mossy, West Virginia
    Where my grandpas old house stands,
    Proud, and strong
    Begging ,
    For us to come back home!

    Bright red bricks pilled high on top of 1 another,
    2 stories high
    to me it was a play tower,
    when I stood on that porch I felt like I could fly,
    and touch the sky!

